It seems I wake up each morning and lay there and wonder what will the day hold? I'm never quite sure if it will be a happy day, a sad day, a productive day, a tired day, a wonderful day, a crappy day........and each day just unfolds as it will. I guess that is just the roller coaster ride of life. What can you do? Just keep riding I guess. It seems that I am very lucky, because even on the worst of days I still have my artwork that gives me satisfaction and my little Cooper that loves me so much you just wouldn't believe it. And if it is such a bad day that I should happen to stay in bed and hide from the world all day, well, at least I have a comfy bed to hide in. So all in all, I am grateful for the little bits of wonderful that I am able to experience, even on the crappiest of days. I think that makes me quite lucky. I guess it's all in the eyes of the beholder, you know. One mans trash is another mans treasure, and all that...I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's okay to get down and have a bad day here and there, but if you can find one thing to be thankful for, that is the important part to strive for. Everyone has bad days. But hidden behind some of the yuckiness, you can probably find something spectacular-that's what I'm going to try to remind myself to do-always.